Apr 21, 2011

Ashanti or Mya?

so every thursday on hot 93.7 (in ct) they do this thing called "thursday throw downs
where they pick two artist and ask their listeners & callers who has more talent.

well today they picked.... 
 (both talented r&b/hip hop singers!)
so the majority of ppl calling in would say Mya but then the majority of the people who were voting from face book & twitter were saying Ashanti.. 
so here i am SURPRISINGLY thinking it would be a tie.. but then Ashanti ended up getting the most votes :O
Now being a TRUE r&b fan i absolutely love the both of them!
BUT.. since we were told to choose based on talent, I would personally choose MYA
(even though the majority of the callers were from men who were basing it on who they thought was cuter lol) 

I feel like I would choose Mya over Ashanti (when it comes to talent) simply because mya not only sings but she dancess too! 
Now let`s be honest Ashanti can sing but can she SANGGG like Mya can?
I`m not saying Mya is the best vocalist b/c we all know who REALLY falls under that category (beyonce, mary j blige, christian aguilera, etc
....but Mya can clearly hold a better note and perform better vocally than Ashanti can.. IMO.
here's two of my favorite songs from Mya!
two of my favorite songs from Ashanti!

But anyway what do you guys think?
Ashanti or Mya?
Both have talent.. but who has the most?

♥ sincerely april

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